To fulfil educational, socio-cultural and economic need of society - hilly and rural region.
To impart quality education through traditional and innovative learning practices.
Fresh applications for this scholarship are necessary at Part- II, III level of the senior college. The applications should enclose mark list and a certificate for being inmate of a hostel, if any, and also caste and income certificate. These applications have to be submitted before 31st of July every year.
Any scholarship has to be renewed annually if it is sanctioned. The renewal is subject to the passing of the student in examination. The application for renewal must be enclosed with the mark list and its attested copy. Students from other colleges seeking admission in this college should submit their progress report from the previous college. Scholarship holder should note that the renewal of any scholarship is subject to regular attendance, satisfactory progress in studies and his conduct in the premises of the college. If the attendance is less than 75%, the scholarship can be withdrawn and the holder has to pay regular fees for the term concerned. Any changes made by the Government or the University in the rules for the scholarships are displayed on the notice board as soon as they are received from the concerned authorities. Students are advised to read these circulars as and when displayed by the College. Note: Please read the college prospectus for more detail.